Blue Sapphire Quartz
BLUE SAPPHIRE QUARTZ, like all of the quartz family, has powerful energetic powers.It activates the 3rd eye, relaxes, and drives away fears and insecurities. It increases energy and develops positive thinking.It helps one communicate more clearly, express the truth and be heard.This crystal promotes balance in body and mind, and like all other quartz, it is very protective.
Lemon Quartz
The LEMON QUARTZ it atracts positive energies to the person who wears them. It's the hardest one to find. It helps with concentration or focus, with desition making, goals, and with having the strenght to fight for those goals. It has healing properties like all quartzes.
Smoky Quartz
SMOKY QUARTZ is ideal for anchoring in the earth, it helps neutralize electromagnetism and negative energy.It is a powerful detoxifier. It helps in hard times, eliminates fears and the sensation of depression,and it teaches to leave behind what is no longer useful. It provides strong earthly protection.